Fateme Sajadi

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مقاله انگلیسی

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این فایل، نمونه مقاله انگلیسی به قلم اینجانب می باشد که از جایی کپی نشده است. این فایل نمونه ای از مقالات ارسالی من به سایت Tuty School است.

Five things a novice teacher needs to know about English for kids

Teaching English is a complex task nowadays. It involves teaching both cultural background and structural patterns. In addition, it needs patience and tolerance, especially if you want to teach kids. Kids are usually hard to discipline. Therefore, a novice teacher should be mentally strong enough to control them, otherwise, they may ruin the whole class. Besides, a novice teacher should know how to handle class so that everyone takes part in class activities and learns the lessons, being taught in class, well. A novice teacher should be acquainted enough with psychology and personality types to know how to teach and behave each kid well since every individual has different personality traits and a learning style. It is an undeniable fact that no two people learn the same. Here are five keys a novice teacher needs to know about English for kids:

1. Be patient and tolerant

The first thing you should consider in teaching English to kids is to be patient, kind, responsible, flexible, and tolerant. Be a close friend to them not a strict teacher or a boss. Make them feel free to ask their questions whenever they did not get the point and give them comprehensive explanations. Be kind and passionate to them so that they can express their needs to you any time they want. They need attention and kindness as well as frequent practices. They may make multiple mistakes while speaking English. It is quite normal since a baby makes multiple mistakes, babbling and mumbling while trying to speak mother tongue . Making multiple errors and mistakes while speaking English don’t mean lack of commitment or low intelligence quotient. Try to involve them in English conversations more. Don’t be strict to them and don’t make them feel shy when they make errors or give wrong answers. Instead, try to explain and illustrate the points and surround them in class activities as much as you can.

2. Create happy and funny atmosphere

Teaching kids require happy and funny atmosphere. Happy and funny atmosphere effectively motivates the kids to learn better. Kids need colourful books, suitable audio tapes, various games and practices to learn the best. They won’t learn anything by just sitting down at tables ,looking down on boring textbooks and listening to monotonous teacher's speech for hours. Wear beautiful and colourful clothes, tell them short stories at the end of the class, bring them audio files, bring them funny cartoons and do your best to surround them in a happy English environment. You can consider special rewards every time they have a good function or make progress. For example, you can give them ice cream in case they all get over 17 in the exam . You can give students bonus scores every time they function well in class activities or give a suitable answer.

3. Try new teaching approaches

It is an undeniable fact that no two people learn the same way. Some people are good visual learners while others may learn best by reading and writing. There are four general learning styles: Aural, Visual, Reading and Writing and Kinaesthetic. Researches show that it is wrong to just depend on one individual teaching approach. Try to add variety in your teaching approaches. Ask your students' opinions on the used teaching approaches and want their suggestions for a better class management. English Movies, cartoons, tapes and videos , which are suitable for the students level, are good motivators for aural learners. Physical games and body movements, which you apply to teach English, provokes kinaesthetic learners to learn better . For visual learners, try to visualise the main points of the lesson being taught . Bring some flashcards , which have pictures on them, for teaching vocabulary . You can also use picture dictionary to teach vocabulary to visual learners. Some students learn best by reading and writing. Therefore, encourage them to focus on the texts and the books and ask them to read them aloud in classroom. It is best to apply a mixed approach regarding all the four learning styles to Teach English well.

4. Group them

Kids learn better when they collaborate with each other. Put them in certain groups (about 3 to 5 members) including low level, medium level and high level students and then give them specific missions to work on . For example, you can put four students with different levels in one group and ask them to present lesson four of the grammar book or make a vocabulary booklet. This method (grouping) makes the kids more competitive and motivated to get the lesson fully. Furthermore, they will learn to help each other instead of being jealous to each other's progress. They will learn to care for each other instead of being a strict rival to each other. They will certainly learn to be friends instead of being enemies. Therefore, grouping has an effective role in kids' personality and learning.

5. Involve them in class activities

Kids never learn by just your monotonous explanations and illustrations. They should be involved in class activities in order to learn the main points the best. Ask them questions to check if they have learned fully. Encourage them to take part in class activities by multiple various rewards such as bonus scores, presentations and so on.Try to present more interesting activities such as storytelling, games, question and answer challenges and presentations. Make teaching English fun as much as you can. The more they take part in class activities, the more they learn Encouragement and motivations are the best stimulators for kids to take part in class activities more. Consequently, kids will learn better by frequent class activity participations. The best motivators are English stories, jokes, tapes, games and bonus scores. The best way that you can give kids warm encouragement is to give them compliments on their function and progress, give them bonus scores , bring out voluntary work and appreciate their active participations. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this essay.