Recognition of facial expressions
زمان تحویل: 2 روز
358 روز پیش
2 پیشنهاد
یک کد متلب میخوام نوشته بشه که دیتاهایی که دارم تشکیل شده از تصاویر است که هر شخص دو تصویر یکی خندان یکی جدی دارد که هر تصویر رو که به صورت رندوم بالا میاره تشخیص بده خندست یا جدی توضیح کلیشو به صورت انگلیسی هم میفرستم :
Project 5: Recognition of facial expressions
Objective: You have a database of faces shot for each subject with two expressions: serious and smiling. The goal is to build a system for the automatic recognition of facial expressions (serious/smiling).
- Inspecting the structure of the dataset (PCA or similar)
- Develop binary classifiers (Bayesian and logistic classifier models) that
correctly associate expression (serious, smiling) with face.
- Analyze the classifiers performance (% of correct decisions, sensitivity,
specificity, AUC) and determine what classifier model is best.
- Use LDA to identify which image features are most important for
Bonus: Using the same approach, build a classifier that can also distinguish the person's gender in addition to their expression.
Data:; in particular, see the dataset frontalimages_manuallyaligned_part1