گواهی فیک ثبت شرکت با مشخصات زیر می خواستم
زمان تحویل: 2 روز
203 روز پیش
3 پیشنهاد
گواهی فیک ثبت شرکت با مشخصات زیر می خواستم.
Organisation: Gulf Renewable Energy Laboratory
Street / House number: PO Box 91877, Eastern Province, Mudon Industrial Area
Postal code / City: 11643 Dammam
کشور:saudi arabia
موسس: saeed balhaddad
درضمن این گواهی را برای سایت هتزنر می خواستم، یک بنده خدایی با این مشخصات برام اکانت هتزنر گرفته و امروز هتز نر ایمیل ریر را برام فرستاده است.
Dear Mr Saeed Balhaddad
Thank you for creating an account with Hetzner Online GmbH.
As a new customer, we kindly request that you provide us with a copy (scan/photo) of your company registration certificate for authentication purposes. You can blur or block out information that is not necessary for authentication.
Please would you send the document by fax or as an email attachment to this email address. The document submitted will be deleted in our system with immediate effect after checking it.
Please send us the documents as soon as you can. If we do not receive them within 48 hours, we will lock your account.
Best regards
Your Hetzner Online Team